Dear EELU Members,


Good afternoon! I am writing to remind you of the upcoming application deadline for Presidential Leadership and Committee Appointments for 2024-2025. The presidential appointment application form must be completed by anyone who would like to be considered for a leadership appointment on a steering, standing or ad hoc committee for the 2024–2025 presidential year. As a reminder, presidential appointments are NOT REQUIRED for general committee membership, which is advised by your state association.


If you are interested in serving in a leadership role please apply by tomorrow - Friday, April 26th at 11:59 PM Eastern. The application and additional information can be found here.


If you have already submitted your application, please disregard this email.


Please let us know if you have any questions.


Thank you,




Charlotte Mitchell

Legislative Assistant | National Association of Counties (NACo)

Transportation | Environment, Energy and Land Use | Rural Action Caucus

Main: 202-393-6226 | Direct: 202-661-8826


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