Thank you for your email. The agenda for Tuesday’s meeting will be published later this afternoon. Please let me know if you have additional questions

Gina Peebles, CPRP
Assistant County Manager - Chief of Staff
County Manager's Office
12 SE 1st Street • Gainesville • FL • 32601
352-337-6279 (office) • 352-538-8265 (mobile)

PLEASE NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records law (F.S.119).
All e-mails to and from County Officials and County Staff are kept as public records. Your e-mail
including your e-mail address, may be disclosed to the public and media at any time.

> On Apr 19, 2024, at 9:12 AM, Craigezgo Gmail <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
> I am trying to find the upcoming agenda, but it will not populate online. How do I receive that? Thank you very much.
> Under Florida law, all information, including e-mail, written letters, documents and phone messages, sent to the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners is subject to Public Records law. This includes the sender's e-mail address, home address or phone number if shown in the message, the content of the message and any associated attachments to the mail. Also please be aware that electronic correspondence (e-mail) is made available on the Commission's public archive site immediately upon being sent.
> Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday and all is well. Thank God.

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