Please schedule a time for Angela and I to meet. Also, please let her know about the internship opportunities. Thanks,

Ken Cornell
County Commissioner
Board of County Commissioners
12 SE 1st ST • Gainesville • FL • 32601
352-264-6900 (office) • 352-281-4000 (mobile)

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-----Original Message-----
From: Angela Casteel <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 11:26 AM
To: Ken Cornell <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: A Request for Help...

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Ken Cornell,

I am writing because I am in your district, and I am also a student (at the age of 47). I have an interest that I believe you can help me with and you seem to be the one that thinks logically as well (Thank God you represent my district). I have taken an interest in politics and this is what my major is. I am also looking at the possibility of running at some point. Depending if term limits are set. What I am asking is if there is a way to meet with you to ask questions, and get an Idea of what exactly it is that is required of the commission, aside from just public meetings, the behind the scenes work that goes on that we public do not necessarily see. Also I will be using some of this to use for my informative speech for public speaking.
I appreciate your time
Angela Casteel

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