
We have no authority over the Sheriff. They are a separately elected constitutional officer.

Anna Prizzia

Anna Prizzia
County Commissioner
Board of County Commissioners
12 SE 1st Street, 2nd Floor • Gainesville • FL • 32601
352-264-6900 (office) • 352-681-2718 (mobile)

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> On Sep 7, 2023, at 11:59 AM, david speicher <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
> I was given this email by Muni codes. I have for several years been having problems with people parking up right to my driveway. The homeowners association say to call the sheriffs office the sheriffs office say to call the HOA  I have called public works. I have called muni code. When I called the sheriffs office, I usually get very unhelpful deputies or technicians. The last one was a technician named J Williams. He told me that he would look for the owner to have it moved. It never got moved so I asked him and he said it was up to his discretion whether to give them a parking citation or not and he decided that he didn’t want to. So I called the desk Sergeant name Townsend. I asked him about this and he said he supported his technician and I ask him if somebody is breaking the law or the codes which are enforced by the sheriffs office why was something not being done about this. He asked me if I was law-enforcement . Which was kind of a very rude condescending question. As he knew I was not. I of course, told him no. He basically said it was up to them and their discretion to enforce the law. I am just wondering if technicians and sergeants are the ones that make the laws, then why do we have judges and juries ? I am truly tired of the sheriffs department, not upholding the laws, but making their own laws. Can you please get them to enforce the laws in the county, so there is not a possibility of myself and my family being hurt when we back out as our field of vision is greatly decreased with these vehicles parking there and the people driving down the roads at higher rates of speeds in a 25 or 30 mile an hour subdivision might injure myself or my family. As a registered nurse I would never not do my job. If a patient fell, I would never tell the family well it was my discretion not to pick them up. I am very disappointed in the Alachua County sheriffs office. I hope you are able to help me resolve this issue. Thank you.
> From David Speicher Sr

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