Good afternoon Commissioners,

In response to a Commissioner's email about the City of Gainesville's upcoming cultural arts center community engagement session on May 31, I was aware of the opportunity, but I am traveling to the Destination's Florida Annual Marketing Summit in Kissimmee at that time and will unfortunately be unable to attend.

I have had the opportunity to meet with the City's consultant, AMS Planning & Research, and have met separately with Carol Richardson about the planning process regarding a potential new facility. I have also shared our email list of cultural partners with Mrs. Richardson so that she had the opportunity to outreach to them for the survey and in advance of the community engagement session.

I look forward to learning more about their plans and receiving updates as available. Please let me know if there is any information I can provide that would be helpful to the City of Gainesville as they work toward this priority. Thank you!

Jessica Hurov
Tourism Development Manager
Visitors and Convention Bureau
33 North Main Street • Gainesville • FL • 32601
352-374-5260 ext 2496 (office) • 352.363.8619 (mobile)

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