Letter to the Editor, (top Gainesville Sun—full disclosure at the end)

*Missing in Action*

On Saturday, November 5, 2022, three days before the mid-term elections,
the Gainesville Sun

 published no Local-State section.  The front section contained no local

To my knowledge, the Sun still has at least three reporters—Andrew Fats
Caplan, Javon L. Harris, and Gregory Harrell.

There also was no issues section.  Nathan Crabbe, Ron Cunningham, Cleveland
Tinker, and James

 Lawrence surely still have opinions.

There were no letters published.  Surely some of them exist.   What is the
latest about Terrell Bradley,

 who lost an eye to a K-9 dog?  What really is the story about a black
former K-9 officer suing the City

 for discrimination?

Are there no press releases of use from U.S. Kat Kammack (R-FL) whose
campaign ads are elsewhere?

  How about Rep. Chuck Clemons (R-FL) who is saving taxpayers a billion
dollars, apparently in the

 belief that neither public education nor Medicaid nor state police or
other public duties required those

\ funds?

What about Val Demings (D-FL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Charlie Christ (D-FL),
or a typical personal

 attack on Ron DeSantis?  Surely there is some item of interest about an
old Chestnut, or the Clerk of

 the Court in and for Alachua County.   Hello.  Is anybody there?  (200

Gabe Kaimowitz,  Gainesville resident

Full disclosure

*Crabbe, Nathan *

Jan 27, 2020, 5:50 PM (2 days ago)

to me

[image: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif__;!!KOmxaIYkRmNA0A!QPGBzfE5fwkq0GUfzLEXnaNf995_CjrYC_FMQWBCjeefZAcuWWlTu74A4UxxVwJrPOJADHL4X3Nw95Kw7ZIPO85IHCQ$ ]


I haven't received a guest column on your City Commission candidacy, so I'm
just checking to make sure you received my previous emails and that you
planned on submitting one. Please let me know.


Nathan Crabbe
Opinion and engagement editor
Gainesville Sun
2700 SW 13th St. Gainesville, FL 32608

*Gabriel Hillel <[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>> *

Tue, Jan 28, 3:35 AM (22 hours ago)

to *Doug*, *[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>*, Nathan, bcc:
me, bcc: Peter

[image: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif__;!!KOmxaIYkRmNA0A!QPGBzfE5fwkq0GUfzLEXnaNf995_CjrYC_FMQWBCjeefZAcuWWlTu74A4UxxVwJrPOJADHL4X3Nw95Kw7ZIPO85IHCQ$ ]

Dear Mr. Crabbe:

I am confused.  I thought you stated categorically that you would not
publish anything I wrote, because you didn't want to deal with my
potentially defamatory writings and didn't want to take the time necessary
to edit them.  You certainly have proven time and again that you would keep
to that policy .and have rejected numerous letters I have offered.

Are you saying now that I can have 600 words to write as I please?   If
that is the case and you will not edit for what you consider unacceptable
material when is the deadline?


Gabe Kaimowitz, candidate for Gainesville City Commission at large Seat A
(city) Seat 2 (county)

[image: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif__;!!KOmxaIYkRmNA0A!QPGBzfE5fwkq0GUfzLEXnaNf995_CjrYC_FMQWBCjeefZAcuWWlTu74A4UxxVwJrPOJADHL4X3Nw95Kw7ZIPOa6AsPw$ ]

*Crabbe, Nathan *

Tue, Jan 28, 8:39 AM (17 hours ago)

to me, Doug, [log in to unmask]

[image: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif__;!!KOmxaIYkRmNA0A!QPGBzfE5fwkq0GUfzLEXnaNf995_CjrYC_FMQWBCjeefZAcuWWlTu74A4UxxVwJrPOJADHL4X3Nw95Kw7ZIPO85IHCQ$ ]

We offer the opportunity to write columns to all commission candidates, and
have the same standards for libel and personal attacks that we would for
other guest columns. The deadline was yesterday, but if you submit
something by the end of the week I will consider it for publication. And
yes, 600 words is the limit.


Nathan Crabbe

*Join the conversation*

Share your opinion by sending a letter to the editor (up to 200 words) to
[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>. Letters must
include the writer's full name and city of residence. Additional guidelines
for submitting letters and longer guest columns can be found at
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://bit.ly/sunopinionguidelines__;!!KOmxaIYkRmNA0A!QPGBzfE5fwkq0GUfzLEXnaNf995_CjrYC_FMQWBCjeefZAcuWWlTu74A4UxxVwJrPOJADHL4X3Nw95Kw7ZIPUq8QYmM$ .

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