Springs Vent Newsletter - November 2022
Monthly update from the Florida Springs Institute
TERM: FALL | ISSUE: 106 | November 2, 2022
Florida Springs Welcome Center - Our Vision
By Robert Knight

As of November 1st, 2022, the Florida Springs Institute has moved to a new location. Our new home is at 18645 Main Street in downtown High Springs and will be the publicā€™s full-service stop for springs information, gifts, and gear.

After seven years at our old location across from the High Springs City Hall, we moved a short distance east to Main Street, into the old ā€œEstate Solutionsā€ building. While we are sorry to leave our ā€œGateway to the Springsā€ mural of a young girl snorkeling, our new location is a great improvement for our critical efforts to protect and restore springs. We will be able to host much larger events, offer office and meeting space for other springs-related non-profits, expand our springs educational exhibits, offer springs gear and gifts for sale, and accommodate additional scientists to continually assess springs health. This move was made possible through a passionate, dedicated, hard-working team of FSI volunteers, for whom we are incredibly grateful. 

Florida is dubbed ā€œThe Land of a Thousand Springsā€. North Florida has important artesian springs from the western Panhandle, through the Suwannee River Basin, southwest to the Citrus County ā€œSprings Coast,ā€ east to mighty Silver Springs, and southeast to the St. Johns River Basin and Wekiva River. High Springs has been labeled as ā€œThe Gateway to the Springsā€ and "The Springs Heartland" with more than a million visitors passing through town to the springs each year. High Springs is the prime location for FSI because of its central location in this geographic springs cornucopia, allowing us to continuously gather springs health data.

While FSI has been documenting the ecological decline of Floridaā€™s 1000+ springs over the past 12 years, our vision for the future is much more optimistic. We believe that by raising the publicā€™s awareness of human-caused threats to springs health, there will soon be a groundswell of outrage against those who are most culpable for these declines. When 1,000s of angry springs lovers show up at meetings of the water management districts, the environmental protection department, and the Florida legislature, a tidal wave of fervor will wash the current apathetic crowd aside and new leaders will be found who embrace the need for a healthy environment and a sustainable future for our children and grandchildren.

Our message is simple ā€“ healthy springs are easily attainable. Capping groundwater withdrawals and nitrogen loading at protective levels will allow rapid normalization of spring flows and water quality. The science is clear. We must protect the Floridan Aquiferā€™s groundwater quantity and quality to avoid disaster and to return north Florida to the springs paradise we had a mere 50 years ago.

We look forward to expanding our capacity for springs protection with our new, improved location. Stay tuned. We hope that you will join us in celebration when we are settled in and open the doors of the ā€œFlorida Springs Welcome Centerā€ to the public. In the meantime, we could really use donations to help with the cost of new exhibits, an outdoor seating area, and expanding our lab. Please consider making a donation today. We are so grateful for your support.

Donate Now
Our gal prepares for her big move.
Manatee on the move! FSI manatee skeleton exhibit moves through the streets of High Springs to our new location on Main Street.


Waterlust donates to FSI! 
Purchase ANY Waterlust swimming gear through our custom link, and they'll donate 20% of your sale to FSI!


*Link expires 2 weeks after you first click on it. See the Waterlust link in our store for more details!


How to Swim in a Florida Spring

This video was created by the Howard T. Odum Florida Springs Institute in order to instruct people on how to swim in a spring. The goal of this video is to preserve the important SAV (Submerged Aquatic Vegetation). 


Interactive Florida Springs Atlas

Outstanding Florida Springs have special status and protections through the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act. Featuring exquisite photography from Florida Nature Photographer John Moran, historic images from the State Archives of Florida, Blue Water Audit maps, and links to data and reports, this is a one stop shop for learning about these special places. Explore all 30 Outstanding Florida Springs through our new Interactive Florida Springs Atlas: www.floridasprings.org


Shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/46-1663401 or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Howard T Odum Florida Springs Institute!


FSI on WUFT's Greater Good programming for PBS

If you haven't already, make sure to check out the Florida Springs Institute's 6-minute video for WUFT's Greater Good program! Catch us on PBS, or watch NOW, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkUoF0Jct44


Saving Florida's Springs is now available in our store!

A manual for springs protection! This brand new book by Dr. Robert Knight offers solutions to the challenges facing our springs. Includes imagery from Florida Nature Photographer John Moran. Find it here: https://floridaspringsinstitute.org/product/saving-floridas-springs/


This incredible episode of How to Do Florida on the Discover Florida Channel features Dr. Knight who gives an overview of the history and ecology of Florida springs with a backdrop of magical mermaids, magnificent manatees, underwater cavern exploration, and pro tips for all the ways you can discover Florida springs!

Stream the whole episode here:


In the News

Vote to save Florida's springs

Navigating a divided political landscape to protect our springs


More manatees seeking out springs in winter, increasing the need to protect these habitats

Many of Florida's important waterways are dying

City Commissioners should reject development on rural edge of north Gainesville


Florida's Springs Are Dying: It's time to get off your butts for springs protection

By Robert Knight. Published in the Gainesville Sun on October 25, 2022.

Florida is the Land of a Thousand Springs. Beautiful and healthy springs are among Floridaā€™s most important natural attractions. Crystal clear, sky blue and teaming with fish; cooling in summer, warm enough for manatees in winter; North Floridaā€™s springs are now more endangered than South Floridaā€™s Everglades. 

Increasingly dominated by tannic waters, suffering from declining flows, polluted by nutrients, choked with noxious filamentous algae and often overwhelmed by uncontrolled recreation, Floridaā€™s once-pristine springs are a shadow of their past glory and a testament to poor resource management and economic greed.  

If you are one of the millions of Floridaā€™s residents who has visited these springs, and if you enjoyed that unforgettable experience, it is time to take action to help save our springs for the future.

Officials not doing their jobs

Public officials pass laws that are intended to ensure clean water and protect our natural environment and are expected to enforce those laws. We pay our taxes so they can reverse the pollution and depletion of the springs allowed by previous administrations. Why should you spend more of your own money and invest your energy to do their job for them?

Warm welcome to new staff member! 

Let's give a warm welcome to our new Administrative Assistant Carmilla Derringer! 

Carmilla is a recent graduate with a bachelor's degree in water resource management. She joined FSI over the summer as a field science intern and after seeing what an asset she was, we hired her! Carmilla is joining FSI part-time as an administrative assistant and will be helping with FSI's ongoing and upcoming outreach efforts. Carmilla is pictured here on the Rainbow River with Dr. Knight.

Welcome to the team, Carmilla!

November begins manatee season in Florida's springs 

As the weather begins to cool down, November starts manatee season for Florida's springs and spring fed rivers. Manatees migrate into these constant temperature waters for winter refuge when the ocean and river temperatures begin to drop. As you navigate our waterways during the colder months, make sure you are practicing manatee awareness to avoid boat strikes and adding unnecessary stress to these gentle giants. You can learn more about best practices through FWC and Save the Manatee Club.

Live in the Springs Heartland? You can sign up to be part of the Manatee Sighting Network for the Suwannee, Santa Fe, and Ichetucknee Rivers through the Alachua County Environmental Protection Department, here: 

Manatee Manners please, spring lovers!

 Springs Academy 

If you ever wanted to know more about the springs, you don't want to miss this opportunity!

Florida Springs Institute's executive director and renowned springs expert Dr. Robert Knight is teaching a six-part lecture series on the springs, covering a broad range of topics. We had an excellent first five lectures - it was a packed house each time with more joining us through Facebook Live! 

Springs Academy lecture series Class #6: Springs Advocacy will take place at the new Florida Springs Welcome Center in historic downtown High Springs. The address is 18645 High Springs Main Street High Springs, FL 32643. No need to register in advance.

June 14th - Springs Overview
July 12th - Springs Hydrogeology
August 9th - Springs Chemistry
September 13th - Springs Biology
October 11th - Springs Stresses

November 8th - Springs Advocacy

Conversation continues afterward at The Great Outdoors restaurant, where participants can join Dr. Knight for lunch. Attendees pay for their own meal.
See you in High Springs! šŸ’¦
Springs Academy

We are able to provide environmental analysis and springs education because of the support of our partners and donors. Here at the Florida Springs Institute, we never forget that! Thank you all for your continued support!

We are in the process of settling into a new, bigger location in High Springs. We could really use donations to help with this effort! Consider making a donation today! 
Donate Now
Florida Springs Institute Store
Have you visited our online shop?
We have lots of new Florida Springs Institute merchandise to spread your love for springs conservation!

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Mailing Address: 23695 US 27 ā€¢ High Springs, FL 32643
Main Tel: (386) 454-9369

The Howard T. Odum Florida Springs Institute is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit.
EIN 46-1663401

Copyright Ā© 2022 Howard T. Odum Florida Springs Institute, All rights reserved.

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