**All Commissioners have been copied on this email**

Thank you for your email. The morning meeting doesn't offer a formal public comment section because our 11:30 am meeting offers public comment at noon and 5:30 pm.

If the Board makes a substantive motion during the morning meeting, the public will be invited to comment on the motion.

Gina Peebles, CPRP
Assistant County Manager - Chief of Staff
County Manager’s Office
12 SE 1st Street • Gainesville • FL • 32601
352-337-6279 (office) • 352-538-8265 (mobile)

PLEASE NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records law (F.S.119).
All e-mails to and from County Officials and County Staff are kept as public records. Your e-mail
including your e-mail address, may be disclosed to the public and media at any time.

> On Jul 9, 2022, at 7:49 AM, Tamara Robbins <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
> Good morning,
> I reviewed the agenda for the above noted meeting beginning at 9:30. Why does the agenda not provide for a citizen comment period?
> Tamara Robbins
> Sent from my iPad

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