Cloud computing is here to stay. Learn about the benefits and challenges. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

The Case for Digitization 

During COVID and beyond, the local government shift to a cloud-based world is here to stay

Hi Robert,

Local governments have been making strides toward digitization, but COVID has put the need for the transition into stark relief.

But while we’re all recognizing some of the benefits of cloud computing, fewer than 15% of local leaders say that their municipality has achieved peak digitization.

Learn more about the promises and pitfalls of digitization from our senior software engineer, Muaz Othman.

He’ll walk you through research on the issue, success stories from clients, and how Localgov offers a smooth path forward.

Discover how digitization can benefit your municipality and why Localgov will get you there faster.

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