Commission email for Ken Cornell


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Nancy Deren <[log in to unmask]>
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Commission email for Ken Cornell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Dec 2022 09:41:48 -0500
text/plain (21 lines)
Dear Commissioners, 

I’m unable to attend the meeting this am, so want to express my strong support for Working Food and for the meat processing plant, among the many worthy projects you are considering. 

Covid was a real wake up call to the vulnerability of our food supply — from local to globally. The war in Ukraine and climate disruptions are further revealing how vulnerable industrial agriculture systems are— for all of us, not only for those most poor and vulnerable. 

Restoring local and regional, diversified and locally adapted capacity is vital.
Working Food has a diversified, systemic approach to economic development and robust local food systems, and has built a strong organizational expertise.   If you look on page 44 of the presentation, at the scope and value of their work, there is no question about supporting this remarkable organization. 

The meat processing is another missing link in restoring food access, security and keeping farmers on the land and better quality food on our tables. There are projects like this across the country. The SE has lagged behind in recognizing the economic and health value of regional processing— we have such an opportunity to lead, and to secure the economic benefits that result. There are a lot of federal dollars, and conservation dollars becoming available for ranching and regional meat production — we need to be positioned to take full advantage of that opportunity. 

Please support these 2 worthy endeavors. 

Thank you 
Nancy Deren 

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