Commission email for Marihelen-Wheeler


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Fri, 29 May 2020 15:06:21 -0400
Commission email for Marihelen-Wheeler <[log in to unmask]>
John Starkey <[log in to unmask]>
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Commission email for Marihelen-Wheeler <[log in to unmask]>
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Dear Commissioners,
I feel the need to write to you to let you know what I witnessed today while shopping at Publix in Alachua. An ABLE BODIED man had his service dog, a Doberman, in the bakery department. The dog was on a leash wearing a service dog vest. The man was standing, engaged in a conversation while the dog was licking the packaged items in the cooler. This was witnessed by an employee, and I immediately spoke up to the man. He was willing to buy the item. I am not certain that several items were not licked.
The man wasn’t wearing a mask as required by the ordinance, which will give you an indication of what the guy thinks about others. But my real issue is with ordinances allowing service animals into food stores. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IN THE REAL WORLD. Never mind the recriminations. Anyone can buy a service dog vest online. It’s become another scam that I’ve seen several times over the years. It’s out of hand and needs to stop. Airplanes, stores, grocery stores. What’s next, restaurants? You don’t mind if my dog licks my plate and silverware do you? So, he relieved himself inside. What are you getting upset about?
Thank you for your consideration.
John Starkey

Sent from my iPad


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