Commission email for Ken Cornell


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miki-jo castaldo <[log in to unmask]>
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Commission email for Ken Cornell <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Dec 2020 21:31:17 -0500
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I know you are aware of the constant and excessive panhandling that occurs in our county.  Unfortunately, I do not have a solution.  However after my experience today I feel obligated as an Alachua County citizen to share my concerns for the people driving on our roads and the folks choosing to panhandle in our medians.

Today around 11:40am, my son and I were traveling eastbound on Newberry Road towards North Florida Regional Hospital for a doctor’s appointment.   My son is 16 years old and got his driver’s license two weeks ago.  I am comfortable with his driving skills.  He drove almost everyday while he was a permitted driver.  Today as he drove with me to his appointment he was placed in an extremely dangerous situation by one of our local panhandlers.  The gentleman asking for money, along with his shopping cart filled with his belongings, was partially in the left turn lane.  The area he was standing in is under construction and the median is gone. Orange cones are designating the place for a future median.  As you can imagine there is a lot going  on at this intersection. Thank goodness I was with my son to coach him through this situation.

(We were in the left turn lane near the Red Lobster restaurant , heading towards the doctors offices around NFRMC.)


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It is not fair for drivers to be forced to navigate around panhandlers. They stand in areas that are not designed for people. Many also leave lots of trash trash that takes up space. If they lost their balance and fell into the ride of way of a moving car, the driver of the vehicle will be traumatized forever. As I said before, I do not have the solution. I wish I did. I travel areas on a regular basis that are highly populated with panhandlers . Many of these folks are regulars. I know this is not an issue you can solve quickly, but I wanted to provide some concrete evidence and request that as you brainstorm a solution you consider the safety of the drivers. Thank you for your time and consideration. Miki Castaldo Under Florida law, all information, including e-mail, written letters, documents and phone messages, sent to the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners is subject to Public Records law. This includes the sender's e-mail address, home address or phone number if shown in the message, the content of the message and any associated attachments to the mail. Also please be aware that electronic correspondence (e-mail) is made available on the Commission's public archive site immediately upon being sent. ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the KEN-CORNELL list, click the following link: