Commission email for MARY ALFORD


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Mike Gumpper <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Commission email for MARY ALFORD <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 Jun 2021 22:25:33 -0400
text/plain (82 lines)
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Ms. Wheeler,
My name is Mike Gumpper and my wife is Bridget Thomas.  We just moved
to the property adjacent to the parcel the county is proposing to use
for a dump transfer station and hazardous waste collection site
(corner of 110th Ave and RT 41).  We moved to this area at the end of
last year to find some land in a rural setting so that my wife,
Bridget, could have a space to pursue her career and dreams as a dog
agility trainer and aspirations to be a member of the US National
Team.  We have spent the last 5 months building an outdoor arena for
her to train our dogs and for her to assist other local residents with
their dogs.  Needless to say, we were attracted to the area because it
was rural, zoned agriculture, and met our needs to give our dogs,
chickens, horse, etc, room to run and play.  Bridget and our dog,
Grape, made the 2019 US National Dog Agility Team and there is hope
that our newest addition will also make the team someday.

After researching the property and being told that Ag zoned land
rarely gets changed from Ag, it has come as a complete shock that the
land adjacent to our property, 20 acres also zoned Ag, would ever be
used as a garbage dump transfer station.  Sure, we fully expected
someone would buy the property and build a house, raise cattle, or
maybe a small business consistent with a residential and farming
neighborhood... but a garbage dump transfer station?  Not only is
there the obvious odor and noise that will no doubt impact our quality
of life and property value, there is going to be a significant
increase in traffic as residential growth east of 41 will no doubt use
110th Ave to access the transfer station.

Can you tell me the estimate for increased traffic?  That has to be
part of the site plan, correct?  Can you tell me how much garbage is
estimated to end up on the road and against our property fence from
people carelessly delivering their trash to the station?  ...and
hazardous waste too?   You know as well as I do that people will be
transporting chemicals, old fuel, paints and adhesives, pesticides,
etc... right past residential properties with pets and children.
There will be spills, carelessness.  This is a residential road, not
like Rt 441 where the transfer station is currently located.  How is
it even possible to consider putting a transfer station anywhere other
than a commercial or industrial zoned area?

From what I can tell, there are maybe 2 homes located within 1000ft of
the current transfer station.  Moving it to 110th Ave and Rt 41 will
put it close to 11-12 homes?  How does that make sense?  Traffic,
noise, dust, odors... these will negatively impact the property values
within a half mile radius.  Is the County's plan to compensate these
residents for the negative impact on their property values, quality of

I realize that County development means a new transfer station needs
to go somewhere, but are you telling me that there are no other
properties to consider, ones zoned appropriately?  I have heard that
using this property for the transfer station is an attempt to fix the
botched deal with the church on 441?  The County's problem with the
church deal doesn't need to be compounded by siting a waste transfer
station in a residential neighborhood.  That also sounds like it might
generate some legal challenges.

I realize you don't owe me anything and I only recently moved here.
And I realize it has to go somewhere, but nothing about what I know
makes ANY sense and I have to believe and hope you are, or will be,
scratching your head the same way and that you will consider how
negatively this would impact your district residents.

Thank you for your time...

Mike Gumpper
24518 NW 110th Ave


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