Commission email for Ken Cornell


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Karl Ambrose <[log in to unmask]>
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Commission email for Ken Cornell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Aug 2021 10:31:56 -0400
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Because a lot of people have negative opinions on chlorine, I am putting this out there so they can realize they’re wrong.
Tina-Putting this on the board at the O-dome to UF swimmers, I wanted you to have it as well. Since you’re a mother of two of our swimmers!

In  order to have exceptional air quality, we have to have exceptional water quality! They are so intertwined.  Our healthy air in this building requires free chlorine levels above 4.0ppm, and combined chlorine levels below 1.0ppm. Our combined chlorine levels average 0.4ppm.  This chemical regime insures that we don’t have trichloramines in the water, which causes eye irritation and breathing problems.  Conclusion:  high chlorine is our friend😊 To prevent chloramine smell on skin or hair rinse with vitamin C. To protect hair from chlorine, wet hair with water before putting your swim cap on!
Lip balm on eyebrows will protect them during practice!
(Burt’s bees lip balm is the best.)
Pumproom, also lives in the same air environment.


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