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Thu, 16 Jul 2020 04:32:26 +0000
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Mr. Cornell,

Thank you! Thank You! For listening, calling in and speaking up at the school board meeting tonight. I and many others very much appreciate your support and hope the board does as you stated and asks for help.

As you may have heard early in the meeting, Mr. Myers spoke about positivity rates; I'd like to point out that none of the numbers he mentioned aligned with the reported FDOH numbers. I specifically want to point out some data that has not been directly discussed - the rolling two week pediatric positivity rate for Alachua county. I called in to the meeting and spoke about this as well as emailed the data to the board members.

In Alachua County…cumulative from March through July 3rd a total of 584 pediatric tests were reported with 61 positives. Making the cumulative positivity rate 10.4%.

From March through July 9th a total cumulative number of tests reported was 612 with 88 positives. Making the cumulative positivity rate 14.4%. However looking at just the cumulative numbers, doesn't give an accurate representation of what's happening RIGHT NOW in Alachua County.

Take a look at just the week of July 4 through July 9 and you get a total number of tests reported in one week of 28. Of those 28 tests 27 were positive. Making the pediatric positivity rate 96% for a 7-day period!

Let’s go one more week back. Cumulative from March through June 26 there was a total of 551 tests with 29 positive - a positivity rate of 5.3%

The one-week period from June 26 through July 3 a total of 33 tests were reported with 32 positive – a 96% positivity rate for that week.

Making Alachua County have a two week long 96% pediatric positivity rate from June 26-July 9!!
I think it is imperative to look at the pediatric numbers and not just the overall numbers as well as the rolling two week numbers rather than cumulative from March.
**all above data pulled from FDOH reports, snapshots attached.

THOSE NUMBERS ARE WITHOUT SCHOOL OPEN. Yes, some kids are in the summer school Jumpstart or doing sports/camps but not like they will be when school starts.

WHY? WHY? With those numbers are we even discussing sending our children, parents, spouses, etc into schools? Let's start school virtually this year, the school board needs to step up and make it happen.

Mr. Cornell you are exactly right - It’s clear in the Florida Constitution that the locally elected school board is given the constitutional authority to supervise, operate and control the schools - We can't be bullied into opening schools if it isn't safe!

Thank you again for your support Mr. Cornell!
Amber Crossman
SBAC Parent of two
Spouse of an SBAC teacher


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